How to Pick & Store the Best Tomatoes

Some people don't buy fresh tomatoes because they are afraid they can't choose the best tomatoes, or afraid the tomatoes will turn "mealy" after they've been brought home. It's really not that hard to pick the best tomatoes.

Try to stick to locally grown tomatoes
Buy fresh tomatoes when they are in season. This will help ensure a better selection to choose from. If possible, always buy locally grown tomatoes. These are available in season at most local grocery stores, even Wal-Mart grocery stores.

Choose slightly under-ripe tomatoes
Pick tomatoes that still have a green color, or yellowish if you do not plan to use them immediately. These will continue ripening quite nicely, until they are refrigerated. But you should never refrigerate a tomato -- that is what usually causes that mealy texture and bland flavor. Pick tomatoes that do not have holes, breaks in the skin, bruises, or mold on them.

Store tomatoes correctly

If you want to use them immediately, of course, buy fully ripe (red) tomatoes. They should be firm but not hard, and free of blemishes, just as in step two. Don't put them in the refrigerator even if you plan to use them the same day. Leave them on the counter or in a hanging basket. Be sure you store them where they will not be jostled, mashed, or bruised.

* Tomatoes are very healthy with lots of antioxidants, including lycopene.
* Handle the tomatoes carefully to avoid bruising.

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