Sewing Thread: Choosing the right thread


Matching thread does matter, but to varying degrees depending on the project.

For clothing, take a piece of the fabric with you to the store. You will need to unroll a bit of thread and lay it across your fabric, for the best match. However, in many modern stores, this practice is discouraged, so use caution in those areas. Instead, visit your locally owned business, where the proprietor may be more receptive.

For quilting, you might want a matching thread color in some areas of the quilt, but contrasting colors in other areas, according to your preference.

For Scout recognitions, be sure to use a thread color that matches the edge of the badge you are sewing on the shirt or vest or sash. In this way, your child's uniform will look much better. It only takes a few minutes to find a matching thread color, and the long-term results are worth the effort, for the pride your child will feel about a nice - looking outfit.


If you are sewing with cotton fabric, then cotton thread is a great all-around choice.
But for silk projects, you'll want to consider silk thread instead.
Consider the type of fabric, when choosing your thread.


Common natural threads


Common manufactured threads

cotton/poly blend

clear plastic thread

Some people use it to match everything, but on the other hand, it is shiny and doesn't blend in. It can work great in your sewing machine's bobbin as the thread on the underside of a project, perhaps for doll repair, for example. For clothing or quilts, though, it is stiff and plastic feeling and hard to work with when sewing by hand. Your projects will have a softer, gentler feel if you use natural threads.

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