Best natural remedies for warts

Warts are no fun! No one likes warts!

There are countless chemical medications and poisons to try to cure warts, as well as more intense interventions such as freezing or burning. Chemicals and medications have numerous side effects and freezing and burning are scary, especially to children. All of these are expensive, too! So, why not try natural remedies for warts first?


Banana peels are one of the best natural remedies for warts. Here's what to do:

1. Eat the banana! (yum!)

2. Cut the peel to fit the size of the wart area. Regular scissors work fine.

3. Lay the inner part of the banana peel onto the wart area.

4. Tape it down. (Use medical tape or something else gentle).

5. Go to sleep.

In the morning when you wake up, throw away that peel and enjoy the rest of your day.

Repeat these steps every night. Depending on the size of the wart, you might see noticeable results within just a day or two. Even very large extensive warts have been cured by this approach.


Duct tape has a well-deserved reputation for fixing everything. It can even help with warts. Duct tape is another one of the most famous natural remedies for warts.

Follow basically the same steps, except leave out step 1.

(leave out "eat the duct tape") and proceed to Step 2.

2. Cut a piece of duct tape the right size for covering the wart area.

3. Tape down gently over the wart. Be sure to seal tightly around the edges.

4. You can leave this patch on for several days and let it fall off naturally.

5. You can expect to see improvement quickly with duct tape, too.

Which of these natural remedies for warts is the best one?

Both of these are great choices.

I'd recommend the banana peel option for larger areas and the duct tape option for smaller ones.

The banana peel option is the healthier option overall, just because they have so many health benefits, including reducing depression, improving kidney health, helping you quit smoking, and keeping your blood pressure stable. There's a really great article about the many health benefits of bananas, so check it out!

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