Some of the best tips I've ever seen

Household tips abound, especially on the internet. If like me, you have been reading tips and ideas in women's magazines since childhood, you've seen some of them over and over. Still, I love reading them. Here's a list of some of the best household tips I've seen in a long time.

25 Clever Ideas to Make Life Easier: As many readers noted, I wouldn't use WD-40 on the TV screen, but some of these are truly useful and easy. I've seen the wire to hold gift wrapping paper against the wall which is a great idea -- but taking it a step further to use the ceiling space is genius. Here is a clearer instruction for the heart-shaped boiled eggs.

Alternative uses for vinegar is a printable "cheat sheet" from -- and they have others as well as the interesting DIY articles.

Check out my Pinterest boards for more great ideas and household tips for everyday.

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1 comment:

Packers and Movers in Noida said...

some of these tips i found good.